Focus 1st Pricing Guide

The main Focus 1st Pricing functions are all accessed through the Focus 1st ribbon. The Focus 1st ribbon is located at the top of the screen.

Start Here Real Estate Reviews Patterns Pricing Positioning Upload Positioning Data FHFA Graphs Print Graphs Focus 1st Pricing Help Settings

Each button provides Focus 1st functionality. Use the buttons starting at the left and then moving to the right. The Start Here button at the left is the first button to use. Below is a link to the descriptions of each of the Focus 1st buttons. You can also "jump" to the descriptions by selecting the respective button in the graphic above.

If you are using a MAC, and you do not see the Focus 1st ribbon, close out the Focus 1st Pricing software and make sure that you Quit the Excel program and restart the Focus 1st application. Even when you close the program, it remains in memory. You need to Quit the Microsoft Excel program (on the MAC) for it to do a clean restart.

The Start Here button is the starting point. The Start Here button is the button that you use to read your export file. (Usually, this initial search will be based on location and include all status activities for the last two years.)

When you select this button, a dialog box will pop up. Select the MLS you are using. The MLS supported by the Focus 1st Pricing software are all shown and are sorted based on the State and then the City

If you plan to continue to use the same MLS, we recommend that you select the Do Not Ask Again check box at the bottom of the dialog box. If you do select the Do Not Ask Again checkbox, you can reset your choice at a later time. To reset your MLS choice select the Settings button and the "Settings" dialog box will pop up. Then on the "Settings" dialog box, select the Reset MLS Choice button. To learn how to reset your MLS choice select this link.

Be aware that when you use the Start Here button to read in a new export file, all the previous results are lost. If you want to keep the previous results, save them in a separate file. To save them in a separate file, you can use the top menu and use the "File -> Save As" function to save the file under a different file name.

After reading the data, a dialog box showing the "Subdivision" and "City" is displayed. The dialog box is populated with data from one of the records found in the export file. The information from this dialog box results in the titles of graphs and reports. In some cases, the information may be blank.

Since the information provided in the "subdivision" and "City" will be used in the titles of all the graphs and reports, we recommend that you edit these fields with that in mind. We suggest that you identify your search criteria in these boxes so that the search that you do is clearly shown on the graphs and reports. When the search location-based (a neighborhood for example), what is populated can work great. Feel free to edit the fields. For example, if you limited your search to lot sizes from 2-5 acres, you should be sure to include place that information in one of the fields.

Once you have entered the information you want in the "Subdivision" and "City" fields, the data provided will be analyzed and used to create several graphs and reports. After completion, the Real Estate Review page will be displayed.

The Upload Positioning Data button is used to read in your positioning data. The positioning function is where you look at the competition from a buyer's perspective.

The Upload Positioning Data button is the button you use to read in your positioning export file. When you select this button, a dialog box will pop up. Select your MLS. The MLS supported by the Focus 1st Pricing software are all shown and are sorted based on the State and the City.

In most cases, the data used for positioning will differ from the data used for your original search. Your positioning data represents the buyer's perspective. In most cases, that search will expand the area of the initial search and focus on the price range (since most buyers are price sensitive).

When reading positioning data, ONLY data and graphs located in the "Positioning" area are affected. Data and graphs which exist in the "Patterns", "Pricing", and the "Real Estate Review" areas are not impacted by "Uploading Positioning Data".

The FHFA graphs is a link that will take you directly to your account on the site and to the "FHFA Appreciation" page. When you select this link, you may have to provide your login and password before you have access to the "FHFA Appreciation" page. All 50 states and 325 Metropolitan Statistical Areas through the US have Appreciation charts. Specific areas of Canada also have Appreciation charts.

The FHFA Appreciation graphs are created from data provided by the site and represent the most accurate appreciation available.

The Print Graphs button allow you to print out all (or a portion) of the graphs you have created. When you select this button, a dialog box will pop up with a list of all the graphs that have been created. You can select and unselect the graphs to print. When you "click" on a graph, it will "toggle" the selection.

If you are printing only one page, we recommend using the "File -> Print" menu at the top of the program. The Print Graphs function is useful for printing multiple pages.

When using the Print Graphs function, you can not change the printer settings or the printer to use. It will use the most recent printer. If you want to change the printer, we recommend printing a page to that printer before using this function.

The Focus 1st Pricing Help button will take you to Focus 1st Help Index page. The Focus 1st Pricing Help will enable you to learn more about how to use the application. If you are looking for how to do a market analysis or how to do a Real Estate Review, we recommend that you go to and login into your account. Once there, you can select either the Review Resources or the Pricing Resources menu item to find more information on the topic of choice.

For more instructions on how to run the Focus 1st software, be sure to check out our YouTube channel by selecting this link: